Destiny’s time unraveled. Far more therapeutic are the questions that are unanswered. Where are the greatest minds of my generation? Are they riding trains from battery to van cortlandt park? Or are they underneath the glare of city lights and vagrant misfits thumbing rides on nowhere trains to nowhere?
Five dollars via paypal to anyone who can tell me what that’s about and whom I be talking about (the first name starts with a).
So, I swore that on this web log I would never discuss what happens at my job. But I’m going to. If you do not want to witness this, then please hang up and come again later. If you are reading on, then you do so at your own risk.
So we have this social studies curriculum and we are supposed to be teaching the little ones about money in the community. I was discussing ways people in the community can earn money (you know: doctors, nurses, firemen, policemen, clerks, drug dealers, and prostitutes).

Well, I asked what people in the students’ families did for work. Before they could answer, a girl asked how we get money when we are first born. I deemed it a fair question and told her that’s why we are born into families—families provide for us, etc. She still had a questioning look. “No Mr. Frandsen (can you believe I’m called Mr. Frandsen?) I mean when we were first born. When there weren’t any parents. Where did the first baby come from? How did it get money? Who made the first baby?”
I paused because I didn’t know quite what to say. “Well, Diamondnique (yes, that is really her name), that’s a very good question and a lot of people have had it. In fact, there was once a boy in the spring of 1820 who had the same questions and he went to a grove of trees to find an answer…”
After that conversation was over, we went to the bathroom, clogged the drains, and dunked all of them.
Ok, so it was all true except for the stuff about the spring of 1820 and Joseph Smith. I told her that indeed it was a good question and many people have had it. Ashley chimed in the God created the first baby. She said that God created everyone. I told the class that indeed, some people believe God created everyone. Ashley looked up at me and said, “Some people? God did create everyone, right?”
I didn’t have to answer because Nyzaiah jumped in, “No, our moms create us.” Nicole helped out as well, “yeah, we come out of here.” Before she could start showing or motioning I stopped the conversation, but I was holding back my laughter (the first time that has ever happened; in fact, it’s the first time I have ever smiled at school. That’s why I decided to write about it).
Um…I think there was something else I was going to write about but now I can’t very well remember. So, I’m going to go to sleep. If skinny reads this then that proves he has no life. You go that skinny? Goodbye all.
Oh, and I realize that these pics have nothing to do with this posting. But what can you do?