why is it we like april so much? who told us so? once, when i was eighteen years old or so, a friend and i would lock our doors and walk away, letting thomas stearns do our talking for us. he knew everything there was to know about april.
to tell you the truth, i'm not quite sure what I should even say on the web log. there is just a wealth of incredible information surrounding this world wide web, and i'm not sure i can keep up. there are just so many worthwhile and important things going on, that i'm not sure i can find time to give my thoughts a voice. i don't even think my thoughts matter, considering all the deeply charitable and kind people that are making our world the great place it is. so for now, just remember that winter kept us warm, covering earth in forgetful snow.
Ohhhhhh, does that mean you're stopping your blog? Aww, stevie. That's really sad. My favorite post was about the sheep, and I know I couldn't have found that anywhere else on the web!
libby: of course that is not what this means.
Who is a lilac? And, where is the dead ground? And, you have too much time on your hands.
April is only the cruelest month for people who do not believe in the resurrection.
so potent & pertinent.
willy, i couldn't disagree with you more. what is the resurrection but mixing dull roots with spring rain and reminding us where the dead men lost their bones?
dad (tmf): we must all make it our quest to find the ground, either dead or alive. and if we don't, we'll all have too much time on our hands...
one of my favorite posts yet. one of these days i do believe i'll have to have my class listen to mr. eliot.
...and I was so sure that all those links would to go Obama's campaign site...
BTW nice photos. I always wonder what kinds of things you're shooting lately...
bruder, bruder. so clever, snarky and interesting.
i'm just glad you finally came around to american idol...
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