Tuesday, July 01, 2008

mormons. mormons. mormons.

um...haven't you ever heard of the mormons? apparently, a little organization called The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has. they just completed a little survey of the u.s. religious landscape and they have some tasty little delights about the mormons. so, with no further introuduction, ima give you my favorite sections.

the first section shows how ridiculously conservative mormons are. we aren't even close to any other religious group when it comes to how conservative we are.

the second section, i guess, also has to do with the mormons' conservative principles: views on homosexuality and abortion. the one thing that is troubling for me, is that the question had to do with society accepting homosexuality, not just gay marriage. only 24% of mormons think that we should accept homosexuality? i could (almost) understand that point of view when it comes to gay marriage, but just accepting homosexuality? not very tolerant of us, i think.

the next section shows that the mormons are, next to the JWs only, the most dogmatic about their religion. i was somewhat surprised that only 58% of mormons thought that their religion was not the only way to eternal life.

and lastly, we see that besides hindus, the mormons are the group with the highest percentage married. no wonder so many singles in the church feel marginalized.

so...your thoughts? surprised by anything? happy about anything? saddened by anything?

and, if you made it to the end of this post, then i leave you with a photograph of petey and me keeping it real at the pride parade in the village this past sunday....


Stephen said...

those graphs are hard to read. (small/blurry)
any links or anything to get a clearer version...?

Jonny, Mel, Aaron said...

that's quite a small sample size. what were their methods?

Stephen said...

that was peter who made the first comment. i put a link in at the beginning. also, click on the graphs and you can get a better look.

jonny: go to the website for their methods.

Stephen said...

once again, my lovelies, the pundits and professors are echoing my ideas about barack

Tansy said...


Love your blog and love that picture at the end.

I'm not really surprised by most of those surveys. From my observation, I've noticed that many Mormon's tend to clique together and ostracize those that aren't exactly the same (even if it's something as stupid as not eating the same food, being single or not having kids). It's sad because that is not what we are taught in our religion.

BTW, if you are going to go to a Gay Pride event you need to dress a little better and add an extra piece to your outfit ;)

Stephen said...

tansa, i totally had a tie on (does that count as another piece?) but i took it off because 1) it was very hot and 2) all the other guys were taking off their clothes.

petey said...

silly cache.
its been forcing me to speak as stephen hussein's mouthpiece for the last couple of days...

Tansy said...

Yes, a tie does count as an extra piece. I'm so proud of you!!

paul said...

great info. particularly enjoyable is seeing the the JW's views for the same questions...

i'm not sure what to think of the homosexuality question. i don't know that i could answer either question (encourage or discourage)...

rosalynde welch has made interesting points on the social pressures and cultural aspects of lesbianism in particular that point to people choosing the life for social rather than biological reasons.

is it possible to be neutral on the issue?

i struggle immensely with the idea that a biologically gay man cannot experience true emotional and physical intimacy...while i who happened to be straight can live a very guilt-free emotionally and physically fulfilling life and have the acceptance of all those who don't believe in over-population, SUV's for families who need more than 5 seats etc, etc...

i love the rainbow photo.

Anonymous said...

you are SO gay

Dad (TMF) said...

Stephen: I am always proud of you.

jimbo said...

p.s. - you're dad's not really proud of you, and i'm not either.

Elise said...

I thought you were going to wait at least a little longer before coming out of the closet...