Thursday, September 25, 2008

jonah mcpalin

please forgive the following rant. i realize that political web logs are extremely tedious, and a lot of text hurts the brains of those of us who like to look at either pictures or bottles of adderall. but seriously, how can anyone even think about supporting mcain/palin after this last week? i understand (sort of) if you are not completely sold on b.rock obama. okay i take that back, i don't completely understand how you may not be sold on b.rock, but i at least can fathom it. but to still be supporting john and sarah? seriously? so, i'm going to list some of the reasons why (although i really think it's pretty obvious) one should vote barack over mccain.

1. the economy. obviously this is currently the leading factor in the election. so why go for obama over mccain? in my humble estimation, there are very few of us (politicians, layman, professionals) who actually understand what has happened with the economy or how to make it better. in fact, so much of what will happen with the stock market over the next while is based solely on perception. to have a president, then, that appears to be cool, calm, and collected is of great importance. we need someone we can trust to stay calm, not do anything rash (i.e. draft palin, suspend a campaign, cancel debates, make rash accusations ('let's fire cox!), or make false claims (the fundamentals of economy is strong)), and figure out a solution in a concentrated way. it's not so much whether that solution will be perfectly correct; rather, it's more important that we have a perception that our leader is going to do as much as he/she can to make the right choice and equally weigh all options.

2. temperament. mccain is crazy. isn't it obvious? he's so focused on the white house, that he has lost all semblance of identity. he blames the tenor of the campaign (his sleazy, lying ads) on the fact that obama turned down town hall meetings. then, yesterday, he ambushed obama with a press conference announcing he was suspending his campaign (today he has been running ads all across the country, and many, if not all, of his campaign offices are open ) to 'rush back to washington' to figure out a solution to the economic 'crisis' (something he denied was even happening at the beginning of the week).

3. do we really want another maverick in the white house? wasn't his pick of palin enough of a sign of his incompetence? please watch her performance on charlie gibson and katie couric to see that his lack of vetting made for a horrible choice for someone so close to the presidency.

4. i would keep writing, but it's time for me to leave this computer. maybe i'll add more later. maybe not.


ron said...

stephen, you can disagree with policy and approaches without calling names, ie crazy,. attack positions, not persons. even bill clinton complimented palin. love uncle ron

Willy Purple said...

I ever tell you about when I was at Bill Orton's victory party in 1996? I'll tell you about it some time. Also, back after the election in 2000, my grandpa would rant and rave and curse about George Bush, mostly cause now the military was going to take over everything, how much he hated the army, which he narrowly avoided having to be in after he caught pneumonia in 1943 after he was drafted so they sent him home. Well, now he's dead and buried in an army cemetery cause it was free since, technically, he was drafted into WWII- they had a pair of boots by the grave and flags and the veterans shooting guns and talking about everything he hated at his burial, or so I heard, cause I didn't go. So when McCain wins, you just keep a cool head and think about how good whatever your drinking tastes and how the world can't last that much longer anyway, and think of all the people who felt just the same when Jackson won over Adams but hey, we're all still here anyway, unless you're a Cherokee...
from Nathan

Stephen said...

ron: i'm not calling names. mccain pre-2006 vs. the current mccain equals schizophrenic. also, i will compliment palin as a person. i think she's probably a very interesting, highly qualified person. however, she's not ready to be president or even vice president. she was not properly vetted and it shows a lack of foresight on the part of John McCain. when the personality of a candidate is affecting the positions he or she takes, then it is fair game to go after those personality traits.

Stephen said...

nathan, i'm in serious need of sacred harp. when are you here next? bisous, stephen.

Carolina said...

She is not qualified. He is misguided. I hope that doesn't turn out to be a winning combination. If it does, I have some serious concerns about the motives of those who will have voted for him and her.

The Frandsen's said...

I'm not sure all of Barack's Decisions show very much foresight either, despite being much too smart to come from MY neighborhood...

If Obama had chosen someone from his super smart neighborhood, maybe they wouldn't have said this..,0,5818747.story

(I'm sure you've all seen these and more, they are only meant to be funny, and they are, then again Joe makes it easy.)

Stephen said...

is this darin or trudy commenting? a "bucket of fluff," I couldn't have said it better myself. compare barack's speaking style with g.w. bush and there is a stark contrast (and it definitely seems like one is much smarter than the other).

the second link didn't work.

either way, the discussion was never about obama and biden. the discussion is about jonah mcpalin, although i think you'll eventually side with obama (if this is darin, anyway).

carolina: here here.

The Frandsen's said...

That was Trudy. Like I've said I don't think Obama is as "socialist" and crazy as people think. He does seem to have good leadership skills and seems to be reasonable in his approach to things. The debates and what they say they will do with the current problems we have is what will decide it for me.

I do find it interesting that the left is attacking Sarah so hard. She must scare them. Last I checked it was John McCain running not her but you almost wouldn't know it based on the coverage recently.


Stephen said...

darin: john mccaain is old and has had melanoma 3 times. his chances of dying while in office are high. because of that, many are concerned that palin will be very close to the presidency, and she doesn't seem up to the task.

trudy: are you decided yet in your vote? will you go for jonah mcpalin?

hope you both join us during the debates tonight...

The Frandsen's said...

trudy says:
I have been leaning towards Obama for just as long as Darin and actually consider myself a moderate, I just think the slings at McCain and Palin are totally unfair a good portion of the time.

I don't see why the Democrats keep saying mcCain is practically at Death's Door, having BEATEN Melanoma 3 times is actually a TRIBUTE to his health, MY GOsh! Obama is the one sucking down the cancer sticks! Don't try and say "he's trying to quit",Isn't every smoker "trying to quit"?